Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Long Time No See!

Things have been hectic since I've last taken the time to update my blog. I seriously wish I could update more often. For now, I'll just display some work that I've done. Not the best.. but better than nothing.
[Right] Go Ara sketch.
[Bottom] Self portrait of myself in 3rd grade.

Friday, February 26, 2010

A Fail Painting(IN PROGRESS) for a Fail Blog

So I came home today thinking I would paint something really pretty with buildings and water and boats. Well, I thought wrong. I did end up painting buildings, water, and boats but it certainly doesn't look very pretty so far.. Yes, this watercolor painting is in progress but right now it's in its "yucky" stage. I thought I'd give a little "sneak peek". The water looks like dirty yellow muck! I came up with this from the top of my head.. And I have to keep in mind that I'm really pretty much a beginner watercolor-er with failure skills. But I thought too highly of myself today and thought I was capable of painting two very hard things- buildings and water! Hm, but you never know how this will turn out later when I add the shadows, darks, and details. But I'm tired, a slow painter, and lazy so I won't be finishing until probably tomorrow. I will surely update the painting though.. Good or bad.. I've already posted the "sneak peek" so why not post the final result?

My Watercolor Supplies

I thought, "Why not post some pictures of my supplies and what I work with?". So here you go! I fail at watercolor, but then again it's so fun. So, these are my supplies: 

                                               My brushes and paints.. I use Creative Mark for my wash brush, Grumbacher for my round brush, Winsor & Newton for my flat brush, and unknown brand for my line brush. They're all very good quality. All the tubes of paint are Grumbacher paints. :)

My palette! This is where all the color mixing, deciding, etc. It's very convenient because I can hold my brushes and paints in the lid that goes on top of the palette. 

So these are my basic watercolor supplies. I might post more for other mediums, but right now I'm in a watercolor phase.. :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Piece #1: February Love

Here is piece #1 of my blog. This is my first attempt at a watercolor portrait. Difficult, yes, but very fun! I'm not experienced when it comes to watercolor. I've only been working with it for about a month or so, but I'm really hooked on it. I was too lazy to do a step by step of this piece. I will definitely do so in the future though. This piece took be about 5 or 6 hours. I saw this photo on the cover of a Teen Vogue magazine and felt the urge to paint it. Of course, this is not exact, but I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out.
First, I drew the sketch. I usually take a while on the sketch because I want to make it as clear as possible so that I can see clearly where I'm painting when it comes time to apply the paint.
I started with a very very light blue wash for the background. It's barely visible, but I didn't want a too overpowering background. Then, I put in the skin color using various yellows and bits of pink and red. It took me a while to find the right skin tone. I then worked into detailing on the faces, adding shadows where necessary, and also applying the colors on the eyes, lips, nose, etc. This was only on the girl.
I added color to her dress then moved on to her hair, using a mix of burnt sienna and ivory black. Also, I painted the hair accessories.
Now the guy was much easier to paint. I put in my shadows with watery burnt sienna and added the details. I used black for the shading on his shirt. 
Tada!~ Hope my hard work shows. :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

First Words

First things first, welcome to my blog. This is just an introductory post to, well, just for something to fill up the space! I am determined to create a journal and record of my progress through undertaking the magic of visual arts. I hope to show my work step by step, and maybe even provide tutorials. I enjoy getting into realism, watercolor painting, colored pencil art, and of course, the traditional graphite pencil art. I hope to be able to work with every medium possible and learn throughout my journey.This blog will be my personal getaway and will aid me by providing me something to refer to when creating art. I hope this blog will affect me emotionally, intelligently, in every possible way. Art (visual art especially) is my passion, my secret getaway, my medicine, my emotions, and most importantly.. I am art. Everybody and everything is art.
These are my first words for this upcoming, hopefully successful among the net or at least successful in aiding myself, visual art blog. Enjoy~